Sunday, February 22, 2015

Being Original

Being a teen myself, I realized how being originally creative is being stripped away from the youth. Social media is one of the problems. We see what's trending and we want to join the band wagon. It's like we can only look at famous figures to help us decide what's cool and what's not. It's taking away our own original thoughts on things and forcing us away from our intentional actions.

Another reason why I think originality is fading is because we are afraid of judgement. Including myself, I admit that I'm afraid. It's scary how posting your thoughts and opinions on the internet can stir up a chaotic storm of hate. I'm not saying we should share what we want to share and not filter anything out but to share stuff that you're really passionate about such as, singing, dancing, cooking, etc.

I kind of wonder myself, what is creativity and is there really any creativity nowadays? Isn't creativity base off of what we get inspired from? When I think of creativity, I think of art. I'm not so good at art myself but ever since, I thought I wasn't creative because I wasn't artistic. I was wrong of course. Being creative to me is being original and unique. How I express my creativity is through humor and just being myself. So here's to a little embarrassment and a little chuckle for you all.

This is my original song I released about my feelings on chicken nuggets.

Just a little surprise for my aunt. 

To see more, follow me on Instagram! @chauxrose 

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