Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bobby Pins 101

I remember when I was as young as 7 or 8, I use to take my mother's bobby pins and pull them apart leaving them wide open and twirl it around. Now that I am older, how wasteful I was! I think I've ruined about a perfectly good set of bobby pins. It's like I could find them anywhere but now, I can't find them anywhere! When I started using bobby pins again, I remember it kept falling down and annoying the crap ton out of me! I think I had to use 5 bobby pins to hold my bangs up and I would walk out of the house hearing others say, "That's a lot of bobby pins in your hair". But I've figured out the right way to use bobby pins and I would like to share it to you guys.

1. Make sure you insert the ridged part of the bobby pin against your head so it doesn't slip and slide out of your hair. This makes sure your hair stays in place.

2. A simple DIY, that prevents you from losing all your bobby pins! Use a empty Tic Tac container to store your bobby pins or get a magnetic strip so your bobby will be easy to access.

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