Tuesday, May 5, 2015

This is Cool...

Have you ever walked around and heard someone say, "DAAANG, SHE GOT A BOOTY!" or even saw celebrities posing for a picture showing cleavage and or obviously showing off their bum to the cameras? Yes, you already know that this is today's body trend. Having big boobs was the past trend and it has now moved on to having large buttocks. But in the near future, it will move on to collar bones and jaw lines. Having a deep, defined, and well structured collar bone and jawline will make it's well to the top trends. The sleek and chiseled features will surely pop out and grab attention from everyone. Eyebrows on point and curviness is soon to be overrated! 

Although I, myself don't have a strong jawline or collarbone it's something I dearly desire. When checking a guy out, I always look straight for the jawline and collar bone, I don't know why but its something that I'm pretty attractive to and its pretty much well, sexy to me! I'm not much of a fan of the large butts and breasts, I mean, they are in the end just extra fat. In pictures, I always try to pose and make myself have a chiseled jawline because I think it looks pretty fierce and sharpeness to it. And of course trying to have my collar bone popping! 

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Brands. You probably already surround yourself in brands. Brands that you prefer, whether it's Nike or Adidas, or, Columbia or North Face, or even both. It's funny how brands can help others label you, or in other words, judge you. As a matter of fact, I recently went out to get Dutch Bros with one of my friend. This friend of mine you see, she's very "up to date" as I would say. As we were getting money out to pay, I pulled out my wallet that was from Icing, I look over to see her Michael Kors bright pink wallet, I looked back at mine. You could already guess what was going through my mind. I was already comparing myself to her. A few moments later, I asked her where she got her dress (we happen to be wearing similar dresses), she said Brandy Melville. My dress was from American Eagle, again, I judged myself. But, I then realized, that, that shouldn't matter. Brands shouldn't label who you are. But I guess, in a way, they do. Since each brand has their own style and preference. But don't let it get to you because, in the end, they all serve the same purpose as what they were made to do. So here our my brands I saw around my house.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Sweet Satisfaction

Having a bit of a sweet tooth lately? A simple sweet satisfaction I suggest you to visit the next time you're craving something sweet and delightful is Mojo Crepes.

Mojo Crepes are originated from France and is basically a thinner version of the American pancake. Inside there is selective variation that includes fruits like kiwis, strawberries, and bananas. A paste of Nutella and any choice of ice cream you choose.

Mojo Crepes is like a little cafe that is a perfect place to hang and socialize with friends. It's even more entertaining watching how the crepes are being made right on the spot! It is a wonderful experience to taste this delicious dessert. I encourage you all to try it because it tastes heavenly. Besides crepes, they also make Japanese hot dogs (which I have yet to try) and bubble tea! For more information visit http://www.mojocrepes.com/

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Lyrics to Music

I came upon the name Bea Miller on Rolling Stone the other day, and I had a faint recognition of that name, so I searched her up on Youtube. Turns out she was on a season of The X Factor. Back then when I was obsessed with The X Factor, I watched it religiously. I remember she was pretty much competing with these other young singers and I didn't really like her. I supported this other girl named Carly Rose because she was the star of the show and everyone favored her. In the end Bea Miller was eliminated and Carly Rose won that season of The X Factor. Now, looking at how far they've gotten and where they landed on today surprised me! I loved Carly Rose because she nailed each cover she sang on The X Factor but now it seems like that spark has gone out when I listened to her recently. Bea on the other hand was creating her own music and I happened to really like one of them that I'd like to share with you all.

She says, "I'm really honest. I think that's important because I'm the same age and gender as the majority of my fans, and I understand what they're going through. I'm not going to tell them that everything is going to be fantastic and wonderful all the time. I'm going to be real and say, 'You're going to fall down, and you're going to go through bad times. It's really going to suck, but we all go through bad things.' Not a lot of pop artists talk about the negative sides of life, which is fine. I've just always wanted to say the things that I wish pop artists when I was 8, 9, ten would've said to me." I really like how she really thought about how she was feeling at that age and realized how she isn't the only one going through hard times. I think through her music, she has a strong connection with her fans. She also says, "I really gravitate towards music that's fun to listen to, but when you listen to it and dig deeper you find the true meaning of the song. A lot of kids my age don't listen to those bands and don't appreciate those artists as much as I would want them to". WOW, I can totally relate to her. Going to school, I've sought out whats the trend and I recently came upon what most kids my age are listening to. Music that has no deeper meaning behind the lyrics. It was really all about the beat to them, and just by reading the lyrics by itself was just ridiculous. Like, what happened to the lyrics to the music? Is that really music? But I myself, am not a hater, I actually admit liking some ridiculous "songs" just because it was catchy.  

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Being Original

Being a teen myself, I realized how being originally creative is being stripped away from the youth. Social media is one of the problems. We see what's trending and we want to join the band wagon. It's like we can only look at famous figures to help us decide what's cool and what's not. It's taking away our own original thoughts on things and forcing us away from our intentional actions.

Another reason why I think originality is fading is because we are afraid of judgement. Including myself, I admit that I'm afraid. It's scary how posting your thoughts and opinions on the internet can stir up a chaotic storm of hate. I'm not saying we should share what we want to share and not filter anything out but to share stuff that you're really passionate about such as, singing, dancing, cooking, etc.

I kind of wonder myself, what is creativity and is there really any creativity nowadays? Isn't creativity base off of what we get inspired from? When I think of creativity, I think of art. I'm not so good at art myself but ever since, I thought I wasn't creative because I wasn't artistic. I was wrong of course. Being creative to me is being original and unique. How I express my creativity is through humor and just being myself. So here's to a little embarrassment and a little chuckle for you all.

This is my original song I released about my feelings on chicken nuggets.

Just a little surprise for my aunt. 

To see more, follow me on Instagram! @chauxrose 

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Be Kind

Recently, I came across a friend that I wasn't really close with before. He's that one guy that is always happy, laughing, and making others smile at school. This past week, I've noticed that it seemed a little quieter in class and I glanced over to him, noticing how his facial expression looked, sad. It continued on through the week and it got me wondering. I bumped into him the other day at the max and I asked him if he was okay. He flat out admitted he was upset. Worried, I gave him my number and decided to talk to him. He told me how I was the only person that asked him if he was feeling down. He knew why people don't ask him because it seems like he is always happy at school, which was half true. People think that by him giving great advice to others, they expect him to handle his own problems with the advice he gives others. What he said got to me, and in reply, I told him that no one is always happy, even if it seems like it. I wanted to share this story with you to encourage you to be kind to each individuals, because you never know what they're going through, until you walk a mile in their shoes. A simple question as, "Are you okay?", or, "How are you?", can unleash and free a demon inside.

Bobby Pins 101

I remember when I was as young as 7 or 8, I use to take my mother's bobby pins and pull them apart leaving them wide open and twirl it around. Now that I am older, how wasteful I was! I think I've ruined about a perfectly good set of bobby pins. It's like I could find them anywhere but now, I can't find them anywhere! When I started using bobby pins again, I remember it kept falling down and annoying the crap ton out of me! I think I had to use 5 bobby pins to hold my bangs up and I would walk out of the house hearing others say, "That's a lot of bobby pins in your hair". But I've figured out the right way to use bobby pins and I would like to share it to you guys.

1. Make sure you insert the ridged part of the bobby pin against your head so it doesn't slip and slide out of your hair. This makes sure your hair stays in place.

2. A simple DIY, that prevents you from losing all your bobby pins! Use a empty Tic Tac container to store your bobby pins or get a magnetic strip so your bobby will be easy to access.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Craving of the week for me is: PAD THAI. What is Pad Thai you ask? Well, my friend, Pad Thai is a delicious dish that origin in Thailand. It is stirred fried with egg and rice noodles, and is flavored with tamarind pulp, fish sauce. You can choose between, tofu, beef, or chicken and is usually served with bean sprouts, roasted peanuts and sliced lime for an extra kick. Salivating yet? Eating any Pad Thai dish, you must try it with the Thai Iced Tea beverage to top this Thai meal off! Thai Iced Tea is a brewed black tea that is sweetened by condensed milk and served over ice.


I've recently came across this photo on Pinterest, and I thought I would share it on my blog for you ladies out there who loves to wear lipstick! Wow, who knew crayon could possibly be a money saver for all the lipsticks you've been eyeing at Sephora. With just simple instructions, head over to this gorgeous girl that made a step by step video on how to create crayon lipstick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPgF69IKcW0

Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Beginnings

Here's to new beginnings! May you appreciate the things that has happened during the last, and have eagerness for the next. Each day is a new day, a new chapter. You can't start a new chapter is you keep on re-reading the previous one. Life has its ups and downs, don't worry about the past nor future, if you do, when will you ever live the present?